Our Contact Details

Our Address

Northern Assessors Limited
Ferrous House
10/12 Wakefield Road
Clayton West
West Yorkshire

Company Reg Number 7018936

Contact Details

Tel: 01484 864430 / 01484 865355
Email: mail@northern-assessors.co.uk

Telephone lines open Monday to Friday 09:00 – 16:30

Have a complaint?

Our Commitment to You 

It is always our intention to provide you with the highest quality service. However, we appreciate that occasionally things can go wrong, the details below set out who to send your complaint to and how this will be handled: –

Who to Complain To: 

Please address your complaint, and any subsequent queries you may have in connection with the complaint to:

Joanne Mosley
Northern Assessors Ltd
10 – 12 Wakefield Road
Clayton West

How Your Complaint Will Be Dealt With:

We aim to resolve your concerns, wherever possible, within three working days. If this is not possible, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing no later than 5 working days after receipt. We will then deal with your complaint promptly and will keep you informed of the progress of our investigation and the measures being taken to resolve your complaint. 

If we are unable to issue a final response within eight weeks of receipt of your complaint we will write to you and explain why we have been unable to conclude your complaint and confirm when we expect to be able to provide a final response. You are welcome to contact us at any time to check the status of our investigation.

If you would like to know in further detail how we handle complaints, please ask for a copy of our complaints handling process

Northern Assessors Online Services

Complete our online inspection request form to send us your instruction.

Innovation at Northern Assessors is the introduction of our on-line Claims Progress Checking facility. Click here to log into your account.